
As the name suggests, Rotation options enable users to rotate the object around. There are few different ways user can use rotation options.

Rotation of the object is done based on Euler angle method, with the XYZ order.

Rotation handles appear as circles around the object, representing individual axis rotation.

The axis colors are also shown near the input boxes to relate the rotation values to the handle colors.

1. Rotate with exact values

When rotation handles are highlighted on an object, the rotation input form shows up. The forms shows the current X, Y and Z rotation values of the object on the print bed. User can enter valid values here to exactly rotate the object on the print bed.

2. Rotate on an axis

Clicking and dragging on individual axis circle will rotate the object along that axis (only). This is a good option when user wants to move in one direction, and approximately.

3. Snap face

This option is useful when you want the object to sit on the print bed on a particular face. This avoids cumbersome rotations of the object to achieve the same result.

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