
A sliced 3D file with g-code and print settings

A job in C6 is a collection of

  • The 3D part file(s)

  • The sliced g-code file

  • Settings - Printer, object(s) location and print settings

A Job is created only when a sliced part is saved in the Slicing Interface.

If you slice a part and do not save, it will not be available for future editing or in the list of jobs

List Jobs

Clicking Open in a project row will open the project and display all the saved jobs in a similar list layout.

The columns of each job row are pretty self-explanatory

  1. Part Name - This is generally the name of the STL file you uploaded during slicing. If there were more than one file sliced together, the name will reflect each of the files' name separated by an _ E.g. Two files named square.stl and round.stl will produce a Part Name as square_round.stl

  2. The STL and GCODE notations below the file name indicate which of the files are saved in cloud for this job. Having both 3D part and g-code files saved on cloud will enable user to go in EDIT mode (Load button) and reuse or edit the job.

  3. Date - Creation date & Last Modified date.

  4. Size - Contains the size of both input (3D part file) and output (g-code) file. If there were more than one 3D part file used for slicing, the input size will reflect the sum of their sizes.

  5. Print time - The approx. time required to print the output g-code. This varies by part size, print setting, printer etc.

  6. Print settings - This is the most important part of the saved information after the files itself. Here, more than 30 print settings are saved with each print job. Main settings are shown in the table column, and the rest can be viewed by clicking See all Settings

  7. Load - To load the latest version of the job. In case the job has multiple versions, it will always load the most recent one.

  8. Job Details - This shows the list of Different versions of saved jobs. You can select any saved versions to load or access print settings or even to start a QC of the version.

Checking print settings of a saved job enables user to figure out what went right or wrong in the last saved print. Based on that, user can edit the settings and retry the print. Or copy the settings to future prints to achieve the same quality

Create New Job

You can start a new job by clicking New Print button on the top right. This will take you to the Slicing Interface where you can upload a 3D part file, change settings, slice it and save the job and download g-code.

Edit Job

The last column in a job row shows an Edit button. This button allows you to revisit a previously saved slicing job in the Slicing Interface. The 3D part file and g-code will show up loaded in the same location as saved. The print settings will also be loaded from the saved job.

User can go ahead and change settings to create a new g-code, download it and save the job again.

User can always leave the load job interface without editing a job or without saving an edited job. The previously saved files and settings remain intact in your account until you make any changes to the job and save again.

If users want to save an edited job, it asks you for an option to overwrite or save as new job

Load is a powerful feature that allows user to revisit a job, figure out what settings went wrong or right in the print, and make changes accordingly. Gone are the days when you have to slice everything again from the beginning and try to match a previously 3D printed part settings by approximation.

Companies and teams which do a number of 3D prints every day/week will find the Load Job feature very helpful as it cuts down the time for iterative designs.

The Load Job also works as an Audit like feature for managers and supervisors. This makes the 3D printing work more accountable throughout the team, and learning process will be seamless.

Last updated