Files in Cloud

C6 is designed to handle files on local system, but with the ability to save files in cloud when required. Files are saved on cloud only if user wants it so, otherwise no file is saved on cloud, giving users full control on their files.

Saving files in Cloud

During slicing operation, 3D part files are sliced by C6 engine. A result g-code file is presented to user loaded in C6 interface Preview tab.

At this point, both 3D part file and g-code file are present in the interface. User can take few different actions here

  1. Abandon the job and go back to project page - This will not save any files anywhere

  2. Go to Prepare tab and re-slice - If user changes any setting or location of 3D part files, the g-code will be removed. A new slice operation will be required to get new g-code result

  3. Save Job - This action will save the job in C6 database. This means user can come back at a later time to access the slice job (3D part file, g-code file, location on print-bed and print settings) and choose to edit it or reuse it.

Only after saving the Job, it will appear in the Job page list. In Job page, the STL and GCODE notations below the file name indicate which of the files are saved in cloud for this job. Having both 3D part and g-code files saved on cloud will enable user to go in EDIT mode and reuse or edit the job.

Saving a job will save the 3D part file and g-code file in C6 cloud. User can choose NOT to save these files as well. Simply open the Extra settings and uncheck the save options for part and g-code files.

Selectively saving files in cloud

User can choose to save only 3D part file, only g-code file, both or none of these in the cloud.

  • If only 3D part file is saved, Edit mode will show only the 3D part file with the location and print settings. User can always slice the part again and get the result g-code file

  • If only g-code file is saved, Edit mode will show only the g-code file of the job at the given location. The input 3D part file cannot be generated from the STL file. Hence user should be careful if they choose to not save the 3D part file

  • If none of the files is saved, Edit mode will not be available, as there is no meaning of Editing a job without files

Deleting files from cloud

In normal operation, C6 will never save any files without user permissions.

Files are saved on cloud only when user saves the job and chooses to save files along with it.

If for some reason, user wants to delete the files previously saved in the cloud, they have two options

  • Go in job Edit mode and re-slice the 3D part file. Re-slicing will enable only when some setting or location is changed. Once the file is sliced and a g-code is obtained, user can uncheck the save file options and save the job again. This will remove the files associated with the job

  • Request file removal from support - Reach out to us on

Last updated