Repetier Server

Follow these steps to connect a local Repetier server running on your 3D printer.

Local or Global

Since most 3D printers are only connected to intranet (not internet), it is safer to connect to them via local network. This requires that you access C6 from the same network which you 3D printer is connected to.

If you want to access the 3D printer globally i.e. via internet, it opens up a wide variety of risks. Imagine your 3D printer is available via a link on the internet. If anyone gets their hands on this link and credentials, they can control your 3D printer from anywhere. Hence our recommended way to connect is through your local network.

To connect to a local network Repetier Server, there are two ways to allow the communication

  1. Allow mixed content

  2. Install SSL certificate on Repetier Server and install the certificate in your browser

1. Allow Mixed Content

To connect to a local Repetier Server, you can allow mixed-content in your browser. C6 is designed with full https support for enhanced security of data. Since your 3D printer is on a local server, and by default Repetier Server does not come with an SSL certificate, the server URL is http URL e.g.

Since C6 is fully HTTPS, running HTTP URL requires you to tell the browser that it is OK to accept data from an HTTP connection.

Open Browser security settings

Open the security settings by clicking on the Lock icon -> Site Settings

Find the Insecure Content setting, and select Allow, to allow HTTP content in the browser

This is only OK when you are accessing the printer from your local network and a local system. Allowing Insecure Content when you access internet other than C6 can result in insecure data related issues.

Once the setting is selected, the page will ask for a reload. Reload the page and then connect to Repetier Server with the steps mentioned below.

Connect to Repetier Server Locally

  1. Once logged in , you will see a printer icon on far right of the screen. Click the icon to open C6-Connect module

2. In the connect module, enter your printer's IP, port number and API key and click Connect (See how to get Repetier Server API Key)

3. Next screen will show you the available printers in your local network. Select one to proceed

4. Now you can access all printer features from right within C6. This includes getting access to g-codes from your projects, monitoring the material used etc.

Last updated