File Handling

Load, save and delete files

C6 handles 3D part files and g-code files in normal operation. Simply put, 3D part files are uploaded in the interface, sliced by the Cloud engine and a g-code file is generated as result. During the operation, and for saving jobs for future usage, files can be saved in cloud on user discretion.

Currently, C6 only handles .STL and .gcode files. No other files can be loaded in the interface. If a file with these extensions is not correct in its content or is corrupted, the same will not load properly in C6 interface

Only .gcode files prepared by C6 are best visualized in C6. G-code files created by other slicers can show unexpected geometry in C6. Similarly, g-code files created by C6 can show unexpected geometry in other slicer softwares

Following topics will give you a better understanding of File handling in C6

  1. Temporary files

    • Load files

    • Delete temporary files

  2. Cloud files

    • Saving files in cloud

    • Deleting files from cloud

Temporary Files (Local)

Temporary files mean the files loaded in C6 interface in your browser. These files are local to your system, and are not saved anywhere. Uploading and saving of files can only happen once you start a slicing operation.

1. 3D part files


There are two ways to open 3D part files in C6

2. Drag and drop files on the interface

Multiple files can be dragged together at a time to load in the interface


Loaded 3D part files can be removed by

  • Individually selecting and deleting the files using DELETE key

2. G-code files


Similar to 3D part files, you can either

  1. Open a g-code file from open dialog box, OR

  2. Drag a g-code file in the interface


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